Tuesday, October 19, 2010

#246 Decoding J-Hova's Book

Guess what? Jay-Z did something awesome!
He wrote a book called Decoded, but that ain't even the awesome part.

Jay hired ad agency Droga 5, who coincidentally can be considered the Jay-Z of advertising, to come up with a way to launch the Decoded. Droga 5 went all out with a multi-platform idea that takes every page of the book and brings it back to its birthplace, literally.
The release date of the book is November 16th and till that date, the campaign will recreate each book page on various outdoor visual touch points. Think billboards, the lining of a suit or the bottom of a pool. All relevant to the birthplace of the content.
Confusing? Very!

It's like a worldwide scavenger hunt mixed with a lot of Dan Brown, taking place both offline and online. I can't get it to work properly, but maybe you have better luck. If so. Do let me know.

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